$255.00 (enter $260.00 or higher)
d h m s
Te******(auto): $255.00
ni******(auto): $250.00
Te******: $240.00
ni******(auto): $235.00
le******: $230.00
ni******(auto): $225.00
Te******: $220.00
ni******(auto): $215.00
an******(auto): $210.00
an******: $190.00
ni******(auto): $185.00
la******(auto): $180.00
ni******: $160.00
la******(auto): $155.00
ni******(auto): $150.00
ni******: $96.00
la******(auto): $91.00
Ar******(auto): $86.00
Ar******: $85.00
la******: $80.00
ni******(auto): $75.00
ni******: $70.00
No******(auto): $69.00
No******(auto): $65.00
fb******: $60.00
No******: $55.00
li******: $50.00
* Wood veneer construction
* Protective felt bottom
* Brass hardware and accents
* Includes two inkwells, engraved stationery, cedar pencils
* Hinged leather writing surface
* Shows visible signs of age-appropriate wear including scratches and chips to veneer, discolored inkwell glass