$149.00 (enter $153.00 or higher)
d h m s
th******: $149.00
th******: $149.00
Mi******(auto): $145.00
th******(auto): $141.00
th******: $89.00
Mi******(auto): $85.00
KJ******(auto): $81.00
Mi******: $75.00
KJ******(auto): $71.00
th******(auto): $67.00
KJ******: $63.00
th******(auto): $59.00
Mi******(auto): $55.00
th******: $44.00
Mi******: $40.00
* Burlwood frame
* Parcel gilt finish
* Incised decorative carving
* Inset beveled plate glass mirror
* Wired for hanging
* Shows signs of wear, including visible chips, scratches and scuffs throughout moulding and finish, and mirror slightly loose within mount