$405.00 (enter $410.00 or higher)
d h m s
th******(auto): $405.00
Ca******(auto): $400.00
Ca******: $360.00
th******(auto): $355.00
Ca******(auto): $350.00
Ca******: $285.00
th******(auto): $280.00
Ca******(auto): $275.00
Ca******: $255.00
th******(auto): $250.00
dh******: $245.00
th******(auto): $240.00
dh******: $235.00
th******: $230.00
th******(auto): $230.00
jk******(auto): $225.00
jk******: $180.00
th******(auto): $175.00
Ca******: $170.00
th******(auto): $165.00
Ca******: $160.00
th******(auto): $155.00
Ca******(auto): $150.00
Ca******: $110.00
th******: $105.00
th******(auto): $105.00
M ******: $100.00
th******(auto): $95.00
M ******(auto): $90.00
M ******: $85.00
th******(auto): $80.00
El******: $75.00
th******: $70.00
pa******(auto): $66.00
pa******: $65.00
Jo******(auto): $60.00
pa******(auto): $56.00
pa******: $50.00
Jo******: $45.00
* Solid wood frame
* Lacquered finish
* Brass hardware
* Large open cabinet and two top drawers
* Missing peg for door latch
* Shows signs of wear, including slight separation to joinery at back of left side, heavy chips, scratches and scuffs throughout finish and frame