$413.00 (enter $426.00 or higher)
d h m s
rm******(auto): $413.00
je******(auto): $400.00
rm******: $389.00
je******: $376.00
th******(auto): $363.00
lu******(auto): $350.00
th******: $227.00
lu******: $214.00
lu******: $214.00
Sl******(auto): $201.00
lu******(auto): $200.00
Sl******: $192.00
lu******(auto): $179.00
Sl******: $166.00
lu******(auto): $153.00
Sl******(auto): $140.00
Sl******: $138.00
lu******: $125.00
lu******: $125.00
* Cast bronze frame
* Heavy, 3/4" thick plate glass top
* In the manner of or by Diego Giacometti
* Shows light signs of wear, with light scratches to glass