$186.00 (enter $191.00 or higher)
d h m s
Vi******(auto): $186.00
Sa******(auto): $181.00
Vi******: $179.00
Sa******(auto): $174.00
No******(auto): $169.00
No******: $160.00
Sa******(auto): $155.00
do******(auto): $150.00
Sa******: $70.00
do******: $65.00
KN******(auto): $60.00
KN******: $55.00
pe******: $50.00
Pr******(auto): $46.00
Pr******: $45.00
* Sterling silver, marked
* 253.11 grams, this is over half of a pound
* Ornate floral and half circle pattern
* Likely Thai, 1930's
* Tapered design for mid arm fit
* Patinated negative spaces
* Item shows some slight misshapenness and tarnish